Marion de Vos. The Door of No Return

The Door of No Return 

A  mouldy smell  
of seaweeds and moisture 
hangs in the air,  
on the Island of Goree. 
The sea laps soothingly  
at the mussel covered stones.  
Shells open and close 
at each new wash 
beneath the door of no return. 

Palm trees stand like sentries  
at the caves of Bagamoyo 
among balmy scents  
from lushest greens.  
Inside, chains, rusty relics, 
hang idly, as do bats  
whose droppings paint  
black streaks on the walls  
of darkness. 

At  the former slave market of Stonetown,, 
the perfume of spices appeases 
the price of men and women, 
according to age and sex  
displayed on auction boards, 
restored to perfection, 
for the sake of history 
Seagulls perch above 
the white-stained pillory. 

Marion de Vos

Marion de Vos is a poet and translator in English and Dutch. As the spouse of a diplomat, she lived in Yemen, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, Mali, Spain, South Africa and the United States. Her inspiration stems from her nomadic life and nature.

She has 25 publications in Magazines and Anthologies worldwide, among which Demer Press published four books.


Kathleen Maenhout. Onderzeeër


Jessica Van Wynsberge. Iziko